How do i resolve draftsight professional 2018 problems
How do i resolve draftsight professional 2018 problems

how do i resolve draftsight professional 2018 problems
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Naive Corbyn groupies on the middle-class “radical” left So there probably isn’t much hope of making a serious dent in the grey vote any time soon.ģ. If that didn’t put them off, we can’t think what would.

how do i resolve draftsight professional 2018 problems how do i resolve draftsight professional 2018 problems

#How do i resolve draftsight professional 2018 problems series

Pensioners voted overwhelmingly Conservative as usual in 2017 even after the Tories proposed a whole series of policies that would directly hurt them, and despite stuff like this: “Better Together” was pushing at an open door when it convinced them independence would cost them their pension, no matter how many times it was categorically proven it wouldn’t, and no matter how often it was pointed out that the UK’s pensions are just about the worst in the civilised world. How do we win them round?There are probably very limited gains to be made here too. They like things the way they are, even when the way they are is terrible. They WILL turn out, in person or by post, and they WILL do everything they can to prevent any kind of change, in Scotland as everywhere else. But the elderly – and again, see the disclaimer above this list – are the political elephant in the room of not only Scotland but the entire UK.īy a hugely disproportionate margin they’re Unionist, Tory and pro-Brexit, and they have little else to do all day but make sure that they go out and vote in order to frustrate the dreams of their children and grandchildren. If only under-60s voted, Scotland would be independent already. We walk away and use the time to do something productive instead. If a genie were to grant us just a solitary boon over the Yes movement, it would be “STOP PEOPLE ARGUING WITH ULTRA-YOONS”. Every leaflet put through their letterbox, every minute spent debating with them on the doorstep or online, is a pointless waste of time and resources. You will only wrench the Union Jack out of their cold, dead fingers. The figure, pretty much in line with our prior guesstimate, was 30%.

#How do i resolve draftsight professional 2018 problems tv

We did some polling in 2016 to find out how many people would never vote for independence under any circumstances, even if a nuclear accident turned the whole of England, Wales and Northern Ireland into a radioactive zombie-infested wasteland with nothing on TV except Celebrity Juice. IT DOES NOT REFER TO EVERY LAST INDIVIDUAL IN THESE GROUPS. (PLEASE NOTE: THE FOLLOWING DEALS IN BROAD GENERALISATIONS. Arithmetically-alert readers will note this means around 55% of voters would still vote to stay in the UK. Support for independence currently stands pretty stable around the mid-40-percents, as it has done give or take a few points since the 2014 referendum. We’re going to aim for something a bit shorter and more practical, at least. As the winter Scottish political news drought enters its 17th week, mainstream and alternative media commentators alike are scratching around desperately for anything to write about, which tends to end up in overlong reflective and/or hectoring essays about how to secure independence, invariably concluding that what we need is for everyone in Scotland to start thinking and acting exactly like the author of the article.

How do i resolve draftsight professional 2018 problems